Supporting education and innovation.

Bright Futures Online Dyslexia Academy and Consultation Services have a vision that all children should be able to read, spell and do math in the classroom alongside their peers. Education in America and most of the world is lacking in the skills to remediate the Dyslexic Brain and properly teach students with Dyslexia.

Our mission is to provide excellent Dyslexia Therapy and Remediation Services as well as Private Online Counseling for students with Dyslexia and Executive Functioning issues.

Bright Futures will begin traveling to schools across America in 2023 to offer teachers and schools help with providing help with accommodations and knowledge about Dyslexia.

Our owner Kathi Berry B.S., M.A.T.L. has worked diligently over the last 10 years to remediate students and advocate for them and their families.


Noah's answer to some questions about his tutoring with Bright Futures Dyslexia Therapist Kathi....

Materials for Learning

Many educational materials do not allow students with Dyslexia to excel and have not been updated to provide accommodations. Internet technology plays an important role in a schools adequacy when it comes to students with Dyslexia and Dyscalculia. By allowing the student access to dictation and video and audio help for reading and writing, the school provides an environment for learning for students with Dyslexia.

Students that are homeschooled should be no exception, many homeschools also need to work to provide accommodations in the form of video and audio as well as dictation technology

Continuing Education for Teachers

We create a variety of continuing education programs to address the needs of teachers and their student communities. From training on the latest technology to new teaching methods, we help teachers make their classrooms engaging and successful.

Support for Communities

Education happens within the context of a larger community. Our approach extends beyond the school to help ensure students with Dyslexia have the necessary support to do their best learning.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

